Giving Back

We believe our role in our community is to be productive citizens for the good and to always give back when able. This year is more important than ever. By giving time, talents, and treasure we ALL have something to share. So here is your chance to help play a part in what we do. If you have a TALENT that you would like to offer, we want to know,,,if you have TIME that you can offer, we want to know, or if you are able to DONATE to help fund some of our projects, we need your help and your are able to donate below. Please reach out to us and I WILL incorporate your gift into our next project. We are always looking to create a new experiences and with your help, so that the next project can be better than the last.
Right now, we are looking for donations to help fund photoshoots for the sick?...we are also looking for donations to help cover the cost of updated headshots for veterans and the unemployed/underemployed.
We accept one time, monthly, or annual donations, of any amount, to help cover the costs associated with all of our projects.
If you are blessed enough to help, please click the button at the top of this page.
Nothing feels better than helping others!